
Ius Vitae, meaning “Right to Life” in Latin, is a pro-life advocacy organization, with an over-arching goal to preserve life at all stages, from conception to natural death – “pro-life for the whole life”. Based in Monroe County in southeastern Michigan, we support or sponsor local, state and national efforts to advance pro-life issues and legislative activities pertinent to our purpose, support critical pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers, and provide information and coordination to anyone who is interested.


Ius Vitae began as a memorial fund in honor of Mary Sue Terrasi, an avid pro-life warrior who touched the hearts and minds of many and inspired us to carry on her legacy in this realm. While we continue the original Donor Advised Fund through Catholic Foundation of Michigan to fund sponsored initiatives or causes requiring monetary resources, we have grown rapidly since the founding in 2020 to encompass an expanding array of public activities and initiatives.

We are a non-profit volunteer organization made up of people of different political persuasions, various faiths and diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds.

We are convinced that death is not a solution to suffering or hardship. Together, we are working for the day when positive life-affirming solutions are found for difficult situations at both the beginning and end of life.

We work peacefully to advance our identified life issues. We oppose illegal and violent means to achieve our goals. To counter violence with violence is against our principles.

Ius Vitae Mission Statement

Ius Vitae is a nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death.

We strive to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them to action, to encourage community participation to support pro-life organizations, programs and legislation that foster respect and protection for human life.

We work on the behalf of defenseless or vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, mother in crisis and child, forgotten or infirmed elderly in despair.


Support Local Pro-Life Groups and PRCs

We sponsor funding support directly to local Pregnancy Resource Centers and Maternity Homes in Monroe County – those on the “front lines” directly interfacing directly with mothers in crisis pregnancies in a positive way. This also includes collaborating with and supporting other local pro-life groups.

Support State and National Pro-Life Groups

We provide funding support directly to state and national pro-life organizations leading the movement most effectively. We do so by first carefully vetting their fiscal program effectiveness within their budgets, and through analysis of their public or political mission and its effectiveness.

Pro-Life Scholarship Initiatives

We provide direct funding of scholarships to pro-life students in the Monroe area. It is our firm belief that the upcoming Pro Life Generation is critical to achieving the lasting culture affirming the sanctity of Life so needed in our society.

A Civil Rights Issue

At each point in history when mass groups of the vulnerable were threatened, someone stood up and stood firm against it.

Today, even up to the time of birth, unborn babies have no right to life. Each year in the U.S., more than a million children are killed by abortion.

Our work is part of a coordinated effort with many other excellent pro-life organizations throughout our communities, our states and at the national level. We are the voice, hands and feet for babies preparing to be born and those threatened by a quality of life ethic.

Pro-Life groups have formed in every state to restore legal protection for unborn children under the U.S. Constitution. This is, without a doubt, the most important civil rights issue of our time. Together we will stand up and stand firm for the protection of innocent human life.

A Calling:

It is our sincere wish that you will take a step in our direction, and join Ius Vitae as a pro-life follower here on this web site and on our Facebook page; and better yet, as an occasional volunteer and activist! Even with the Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v Wade in June of 2022 after 49 years of nearly abortion on demand and over 63 million babies lost to the atrocity, there is no time to celebrate. The real battle has just begun, as the pro-abortion, pro-death culture has ignited a bitter, divisive feud even further. There is so much to do for LIFE and so little time, and there is no time more critical in our lifetimes. We will prayerfully, peacefully and definitively meet the challenge, with your help and that of the many pro-life organizations out there. We will not sit idly by in this critical time, we will not shrink from intimidation or challenges, and we will shield ourselves with confidence in our faith and the armor of the Will of God.